Nowadays Traditional Chinese Medicine is practiced not only in China but all around the globe. The plants used for this purpose are, however, pretty much unknown to us. In the first such garden for learning and research in Switzerland, located on the grounds of the ZHAW-Campus Grüental in Wädenswil, a basic assortment of more than 100 plant species is shown, which is to be continuously expanded to 200 species.
According to their ecological requirements, the plants are arranged in areas of common origin. The collection helps future TCM practitioners to get a better understanding of the variety of medicinal plants. It is also open to the public and invites all interested parties to explore and discover.The exotic plants take you to a fascinating world and, together with information on characteristics in TCM medicine, arouse the curiosity of this plant-based healing method.
Many thanks to all partners for their support. Our special thanks go to the DR. NOYER TCM FÖRDERFONDS, who financed the initial costs of the garden for the most part.
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